The Benefits of Rolfing

Many neck, back and other physical problems are actually the symptoms of chronic
postural restrictions. Long periods of one-sided work like sitting at a computer, driving,
or long standing hours at work can stress the body.

Traumas such as car accidents, falls, surgery and sport injuries can also lead to stiffness
and pain in the muscles and joints. Rolfing is widely regarded as being one of the best
ways of dealing with such problems. Because the body is better balanced after Rolfing,
it expends less energy against gravity. This is sometimes experienced as higher level of
awareness and vitality. Chronic discomforts can disappear immediately or soon after the
series is completed.

Although Rolfing is mainly concerned with structural changes, any change in the physical
body will inevitably affect the whole person. Rolfing clients often report positive changes
in their outlook on life and in their ability to handle emotionally challenging situations.
Rolfing is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. It makes no attempt at
diagnosis and does not prescribe. Its purpose is to bring order to our structure, and in
doing so it enhances the functioning of the whole person.

What is Rolfing?
How does Rolfing Work?
The 10 Series
The Benefits of Rolfing
The Rolfer
Articles and Research