Does Rolfing® Hurt?
Contrary to popular misconception, Rolfing
is not always painful. Any discomfort in response to Rolfing
pressure is an indication of the amount of chronic tension
stored in the tissues. It is the responsibility of the
Rolfer to work within the level of tolerance of each client
to accomplish the goals of the work. Most clients are not
concerned about discomfort during the sessions. When the
client’s level of tolerance is respected, the rolfer and
client can work together to achieve better
Generally speaking, when chronic aches and
pains are released, people feel much better. Rolfers use
pressure and stretching to change and release the connective
tissue. Often people will remember or "feel" an old injury
or pain as it is released and that is followed by the
feeling of relief and well-being as flexibility and balance
is restored to those areas.
This only lasts while the tightened tissue
areas are
releasing. Soon after, the client usually reports a sense of
"warmth", "length", "lightness", tingling sensations and new
freedom in the area worked on, as well as in surrounding
areasas the changes spread through the connective tissue
network. Clients report greater ease in movement and
breathing, as well as improved balance and
If I Get Rolfed, Will the Changes
The changes
will not only last, but they even continue to improve! Here is
how it works: The body's shape and condition is constantly
being maintained and recreated by it's movement patterns. If
the movement pattern are imbalanced and stressful they will
continue to break down the structure. After
Rolfing®, the movement patterns begin to
improve or recreate a balanced structure. Through the improved
movement patterns made possible by a more flexible structure,
the Rolfing® continues after the 10 sessions
have been completed.
What About my Bad Habits Won't They Pull My
Body Back Out of Alignment?
Firstly, your Rolfer will give you guidance
on how to move and hold yourself in a way that will maintain
and enhance the changes. Secondly, the body naturally will want
to do what is more balanced and efficient because it will be
more comfortable
Rolfing vs.
Massage is designed to decrease
muscle pain and tension, increase circulation, and produce a
sense of well-being. Its goal is relaxation and generally works
with the muscular system. Massage can be therapeutic but it
doesn’t ask the system to find new ways to organize
Rolfing® is a change process and
simulates the physical structure to find new ways to organize,
realign and move. Rolfing® is designed to be transformational.
The goal of Rolfing® is to improve posture, flexibility,
increase range of motion of joints, and educate clients in
movement and self-awareness. It dissolves old patterns that
cause harm and chronic pain. Rolfing® works with the connective
tissue, which gives you the shape and support of your
Massage can release tension in your muscles
but Rolfing® addresses the source of that tension. Your muscles
will only work as well as the connective tissue allows it to.
And if the connective tissue is thick and rigid you cannot move
efficiently nor relax properly.
Rolfing vs
Traditional chiropractic has had as its
focus the skeletal system. Dr. Rolf was most interested in
the system of fascia, a connective tissue on our bodies.
Fascia envelops and is interwoven throughout our skeletal
muscles, surrounds our organs and lies adjacent to our skin.
She believed that a majority of the time the skeletal system
was being pulled out of place by soft tissue, muscles and
fascia (the myofascial system), and so she focused her
attention on this system. It has been my experience that
Rolfing and chiropractic care can complement each other very
Rolfing - Can I perform my regular
Regular exercise is usually OK, but it’s
probably better not to run the Boston Marathon go all out for
the Olympics until after your series is over. Sometimes during
a series, your balance and coordination are shifting with your
body as your structure changes. Athletic performance should
improve after a series of Rolfing. It’s also not a good idea
for someone to spend a week moving pianos or painting their
entire house while in the middle of a series. Going for walks
and dynamic exercises like Hata-Yoga, swimming, dancing can
actually help integrate the changes from the
Rolfing - Who can receive
From the very young and into advanced age,
Rolfing is for anyone looking for more ease of movement,
wishing to explore their potential, and for those experiencing
physical limitations in their daily lives.
Rolfing -How frequently should sessions
Once a week or every other
week is most ideal.
The breaks should not be
longer than 2 weeks.
Rolfing - How long are sessions? How will I
feel after a session?
Sessions usually last for about 60 to 75
minutes. I include some movement education with every session.
Sometimes people get very energized after a session or very
tired (they are surrendering to gravity). It is best not to eat
right before a session.
Rolfing Can I receive
other bodywork while I'm doing this?
is probably better not to receive any other form of deep tissue
work during the basic series. Often Rolfing will make it easier
for your regular massage therapist to work on you after the
series is done. As well, if you receive Rolfing and other
therapies at the same time you will not really be able to tell,
where certain changes are coming from.