Lordosis is defined as an excessive inward curve of the spine.
It differs from the spine's normal curves at the cervical,
thoracic, and lumbar regions, which are, to a degree, either
kyphotic (near the neck) or lordotic (closer to the low
back). Lordosis is often also called swayback or sway
Lordosis can be caused by
excessive weight, pregnancy, spinal problems present at birth,
etc. Sitting for extended periods is a common cause of
lordosis. Your body adapts to these positions by shortening and
stiffening some muscles, and stretching and weakening other
muscles. This adjustment of the back causes an imbalance:
Knock On Effects Of Lordosis
or swayback
is a muscle imbalance combined with bad posture
The spinal imbalance affects the arms, legs, head pelvis, and
rib cage as well as the rest of the
percent of all Lordosis cases have decreased heart, lung,
and cardiovascular capacity. The body’s diaphragms are
affected by the side bends of Lordosis or swayback.
or swayback causes lower back pain.
Your abs & lower back stabilize your torso. Lordosis
stretches your abdominal muscles, making them weak. Your lower
back now has to do all the work, which results in
fatigue & pain.
Lordosis or swayback causes loss of strength.
The glutes are one of your strongest muscles. With lordosis you
only use your lower back & hamstrings to lift the weight.
This isless efficient than using all hip muscles. You need to
involve your glutes.
person who has Lordosis or swayback tends to suffer from
headaches, insomnia, back pain, shallow breathing and sciatica
which are all brought about by having Lordosis'
characteristically elongated musculature on one side of their
bodies and a shortened musculature on the other side of their
Rolf Approach To Lordosis
Lordosis or swayback is a clinical term that identifies spinal
exaggerations. In using the terms, we fall into the trap of
understanding the imbalance as solely or mostly confined to the
spine. But Rolfing views lordosis or swayback is a structural
imbalance of the body as a whole.
Rolfing is a systematic programme of postural repatterning that
seeks to bring your body back into alignment. Thus Rolfing
continuously seeks out a dynamic, creative balance in your body
that is quite different from holding it in one rigid postural
How Rolfing Treats
As the lordosis patient walks into the Rolfing Clinic, the
Rolfer assesses the person’s
posture and structural balance to ascertain the extent of the
imbalance i n the feet, knees or pelvic area as well as gauging
any other outward indicators of lordosis
Fundamentally, Rolfing treats Lordosis or swaybck by
stretching the tight muscles and strengthening the weak ones
through myofascial release. Myofascial release is a form of
soft tissue therapy in Rolfing that works on the tissue located
between the skin and the underling structure of muscle and
bone to provide pain relief, increase your range
of motion and balance your body for optimum posture.
Thus Rolfing realigns and lengthens the shortened connective
tissue that wraps around the muscles. In other words, it
de-rotates this connective tissue. This improves your posture
and movement, which can help reduce or eliminate the headaches,
back pain, shoulder and neck pain that is brought on by
lordosis or swayback.
The Rolfing technology takes the whole being into consideration
when exploring how to work with each individual, seeing them
for more than just the product of their environmental
conditioning. Certified Rolfing has the capacity to release,
realign, and balance the whole body of a Lordosis
How Rolfing Treats
As the lordosis patient walks into the Rolfing Clinic, the
Rolfer assesses the person’s posture and structural balance to
ascertain the extent of the imbalance in the feet, knees or
pelvic area as well as gauging any other outward indicators of
lordosis symptoms..
Fundamentally, Rolfing treats Lordosis or swaybck by
stretching the tight muscles and strengthening the weak ones
through myofascial release. Myofascial release is a form of
soft tissue therapy in Rolfing that works on the tissue located
between the skin and the underling structure of muscle and
bone to provide pain relief, increase your range
of motion and balance your body for optimum posture.
Thus Rolfing realigns and lengthens the shortened connective
tissue that wraps around the muscles. In other words, it
de-rotates this connective tissue. This improves your posture
and movement, which can help reduce or eliminate the headaches,
back pain, shoulder and neck pain that is brought on by
lordosis or swayback.
The Rolfing technology takes the whole being into
consideration when exploring how to work with each individual,
seeing them for more than just the product of their
environmental conditioning. Certified Rolfing has the capacity
to release, realign, and balance the whole body of a Lordosis
