Back pain is one of humanity’s most common complaints. Lower
Back Pain, or lumbago, is a specific form of dorsalgia or
generic back pain. Of all the different types of back pain,
lower back pain is the most common, as it is the lower back
that supports the most weight.
To understand what we mean by “chronic” or “acute” lowerback
pain you should understand the classification system for back
pain. Strictly speaking acute lower back pain is less than 4
weeks, subacute lower back pain is 4 – 12 weeks and chronic
lower back pain is pain you have endured for more than 12
Why is your
lower back so susceptible?
Your lower back is the building block for your body - it
supports your entire body, using a complex interconnecting
network of nerves, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments to do
so. All these components are capable of producing pain. Because
the back and lower back is connected to the rest of your body,
it also means that back pain can be an early warning of
underlying conditions elsewhere in your body.
Large nerves that originate in the spine and go to the legs and
arms can make pain radiate to the extremities. The pain may be
felt in the neck (and might radiate into the arm and hand), in
the upper back, or in the low back, (and might radiate into the
leg or foot), and may include symptoms other than pain, such as
weakness, numbness or tingling.
The Rolfing
Approach To Your Lower Back
To understand how Rolfing treatment
for the lower back works, it is important to recognize that the
lower back injury cannot be understood by looking at the lower
back alone.
Rolfing sees the body and its structure as a series of
interconnected components. Your body is designed to provide
internal support for all these components. Large components
rest on components below them and provide support for
components that are above them. This is especially relevant in
the case of the lower back, which is the basis of the body’s
internal support.
Dr. Ida Rolf, a pioneer in body work, was a former organic
chemist. She perfected the technique structural integration
called Rolfing. According to Dr. Rolf, the traditional idea of
standing up straight, shoulders back, stomach in and head high,
actually misaligns the spine and deforms the
In a sequence of hands-on manipulation, the Rolfers move the
tissue back toward symmetry and balance that the body
Rolfing is designed to loosen the fascia, resulting in a
freedom of muscle movement and the unlearning of bad patterns
of muscle strain and misuse, resolving the source of the back
pain. This release should then enable the back to properly
align itself. When the back is properly aligned, back pain
should recede.
Advantages of Rolfing For Your Lower
Rolfing’s great strength is that it is non-invasive, and hence
while undergoing Rolfing you will be able to continue with
daily life and even sports, while simultaneously treating and
relaxing your back muscles, which will eventually allow you a
greater range of movement and increase your flexibility.
It is crucial to understand that Rolfing will treat the body
not as individual parts, but as a whole, so the whole organism
realigns. Then, movement education would be provided to help
prevent future recurrence of the
