
"I first came to Rolfing Wellness with scoliosys (lateral spinal curvature) which resulted from
an old sports injury.   The scoliosys gave me several problems for nearly 21 years:  Firstly,
it caused the right half of my back to swell whenever I exert strength using my right hand
and it was numb, unable to feel anything sharp poking my back.  Secondly, my whole
bone structure was off-alignment from neck to feet. 

Many Chinese Traditional Medicine doctors were unable to heal my muscle swelling and
other doctors only gave medicine. I was determined to try Rolfing after reading from the
newspapers what it can do for us and Ms Tanja treated my back and also taught me a few
physical well-being exercises. It has been 3 weeks since my 10th session and I'm glad to
report that I'm walking taller, feeling less muscle tension and most importantly, my back
injury is 70% healed.  I do not have that numbness anymore, so I'm going to continue my
exercises which Ms Tanja taught me."

- Pauline, a Rolfing Wellness Customer

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