Rolfing - What
Is The Fascia?
Fascia is the tissue located
between the skin and the underlying structure of muscle and
bone, and forms a seamless web covers and connects the
muscles, organs, and skeletal structures in our body. The
fascia is responsible for maintaining our body's
structural integrity, supporting our posture, and acting
as a shock absorber.
Myofascial refers collectively to
the tissue and the myscle. Together, the muscle and fascia form the
myofascial system. The myofascial system is a
totally unified structure that is
present throughout your posture without any
interruption. Myofascial release is a Rolfing therapy targeted
at the fascial system and posture.
Rolfing And The
Fascia - Dr. Ida Rolf
Myofascial release is a
form of soft tissue therapy in Rolfing that works on the
fascial system to provide pain relief, increase
your range of motion and balance your body for optimum
Injuries, stress, inflammation, trauma,
scoliosis, lordosis or poor posture can injure or restrict the
fascia, causing myriad problems that lead many to Rolfing. The
goal of Rolfing's myofascial release is to alleviate
fascial restriction and restore the cohesion of the
fascia. Rolfing incorporates myofascial
release as part of its techniques, as it
Dr. Ida Rolf who
discovered the importance of fascia and they myofascial
system in the body, thus
revolutionizing thinking about the body and its
posture and propelling myofascial release to the
Ida Rolf earned a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Columbia
University in 1916, and in the course of her scientific
research she made a fundamental discovery about the body -
"the same network of connective tissue which contains
and links the muscle when it’s healthy can be used to
reshape it when it’s been pulled out of proper order. Each
muscle and (each muscle fiber) in enveloped in a connective
tissue called fascia". Dr. Rolf’s view of the role of
the fascia and myofascial system in posture lead to the
theory of body geometry, influenced her understanding
of posture and the importance of gravity in the body and led to
her incorporation of myofascial release into
and Myofascial Release - How Myofascial Release
Rolfers utilize myofascial release as the main technique to
bring your posture in balance during your session. In
a Rolfer's hands, Rolfing's myofascial release will
relieve the pain of back strain, bad posture, chronic
tension, scoliosis, myofascial pain dysfunction, lordosis,
whiplash and many other posture problems, as all these
arise from problems of the fascia.

Rolfing - An example of fascia
underlying Rolfing
- Understanding the fascial and
myofascial layers
Myofascial Release